アキュラ鍼灸院 - 東京 渋谷 青山 表参道 [不妊鍼灸 不妊治療 妊活 腰痛 耳鳴り 他]

Due to the overwhelming number of new patients we have received in the last few months, we regret to inform you that we are not taking any new patients. However, if you wish to be on the patients’ waiting list, we will contact you once there is an opening. Please be reminded that it may take up to 4 weeks before we can contact you.

If you wish to be on the waiting list, please send with the following information.
– Days and time which you are available
– Your purpose of treatment (eg, fertility treatment, shoulder pain, etc)
For example, if you can only come on Sunday afternoon, let us know so that we can inform you when your desired slots are open.

*If you are a returning patient, you do not have to be on the waiting list. Just call us to book your appointment.

Waiting List Application Form

* は必須入力項目です。

Your Name   *
Phone Number   * (example) 000-0000-0000
Email   *
Symptom   *
If others, then please explain
Days and time which you are available *